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Viewing page: RadioBot

ShoutIRC Bot

The ShoutIRC Bot is an advanced application designed for integrating your users with your online radio. If you would like to see RadioBot in action, just connect to IRC at and /join #shoutirc [(m)IRC Link: irc://]. If you prefer a web-based IRC client, you can click here.

ShoutIRC is ready to run on multiple platforms and operating systems. Your DJs can accept requests over IRC or if they aren't chatters they can use the standalone RadioBot Client. The full list of features is below with some screen shots as well.

RadioBot Features:
  • Runs natively on Windows (XP/Vista/7/8), Linux, and FreeBSD. Want the bot ported to another system? Just contact us!
  • Control bot over IRC, Telnet, and other protocols
  • Request System
  • Adjusts the channel topic for DJ and online status
  • Broadcasts to channels and Twitter the current song/DJ/stats
  • Create custom triggers (!website, !listen, etc.)
  • Works on up to 16 IRC networks
  • User flags support for different levels of authority
  • Remote Client (DJ Console) Support
  • In conjunction with AutoDJ or SimpleDJ, we provide an online playlist and request system at no extra charge: WebRequest [demo]
  • Another optional addon included free is WebPlayer, an easy way to let people tune in to your station right from your website. [demo]
Auto DJ Features (included with RadioBot Full): * Simple DJ is now included in RadioBot Basic!!! (Simple DJ has the same features as Auto DJ except it can only play pre-encoded MP3s and not do any transcoding.)
  • Provides MP3, AAC+, OggVorbis, OggOpus, or AAC [see the AutoDJ wiki entry] stream to ShoutCast/Icecast/Steamcast servers (want another streaming server supported? Just contact us!). On Windows, you can also use Winamp encoder plugins to provide other types of streams.
  • Full request and WebRequest support to request files in the Auto DJ playlist [demo].
  • Provides a countdown for DJs so there are no abrupt song changes when a DJ wants to connect to the stream.
  • Will automatically play a promo spot every X songs.
  • Unlike other so-called Auto DJs, you DO NOT have to provide your files all ready encoded with the same bitrate/sample/etc. as the stream. Auto DJ supports full transcoding of not only MP3, but many other file formats (Ogg/MP4/AAC/WAV/AVI files/etc.)
  • Can auto-generate a HTML playlist for your website.
SAM Support - For if you already have SAM Broadcaster by SpacialAudio and don't need the full power of Auto DJ
  • Add !request support to your SAM Broadcaster!
  • Let listeners search your SAM music to find their favorite tunes
  • More information on SAM integration can be found here.
In addition to these main features, RadioBot has a plugin system with over 35 plugins such as Twitter, DCC Chat/FServ/Transfer ability, Forum support, Pidgin IM, Telnet console, getting the weather, greeting plugin, trivia game, channel administration functions, etc. [Full plugin list is here]
  • Know something else you would like the bot to do? Post a Feature Request!

Screen Shots

DJ Client (Take Requests, etc.)

RadioBot Console (Win32)

Auto DJ plugin playing a MP3

* Music by Kevin MacLeod used with permission.
IRC Channel w/RadioBot

A station's actual Twitter feed powered by RadioBot.

The Telnet interface.

Get RadioBot

You can download RadioBot here.

Supported Technologies

SAM Broadcaster
Centovacast Control Panel
Mumble Chat Server
ID3v2 Tags
- Codecs -
Ogg Vorbis
Ogg Opus
FLAC Lossless Audio

All Content and Code Copyright 2004-2023
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